Become a Simulation Consultant, Retire Early a MILLIONaire!

Got your attention, didn’t I? Well, you really CAN retire early a millionaire, but only if you hone your paltry analysis skills by attending the 2nd Annual Simulation BBQ Event.

Our very own Simulation Samurai, Chris Castle, will be oohing and ahhing the crowd by sharing the secrets of why some companies are designing better products with SolidWorks Simulation. Other topics at the event include:

  • Simulation A-B-Cs
  • Designing Greener Products with Sustainability
  • The Ultimate Analysis
  • Tips N Tricks (emphasis on “N”)

The Lowdown:

WHERE – MLC CAD Systems – Atlanta (1730 Spectrum Drive, Lawrenceville, GA 30043)

WHEN – Thursday, August 5th, 2010 3:00-7:00pm (Like, TODAY!!!)

WHY – Because you secretly envy how much fun the SolidBox crew has and want to be able to charge confiscatory rates for simulation consultation so YOU TOO can live it up!

As an ADDED BONUS! If you call within the next… er, uh, come to the event, and you are already running Simulation, you can benchmark one of your studies on a SolidBox computer configured for running Simulations, and see how it stacks up.