SolidBox has the privilege of providing businesses on the cutting edge of many exciting technologies with the workstations and servers they need to push the boundaries of what’s possible. We take special pride in working with the little guys, the small companies that have harnessed the power of ingenuity to develop technologies and create a market where none existed before. We love having our socks knocked off by the innovations of small businesses with big ideas that are changing the face of their respective industries. iPhoton Solutions is just such a company, with amazing contributions to the aeronautic industry.
Laser-ultrasonics uses lasers to generate and detect ultrasonic waves in composite materials, such as polymer-matrix composites, for quality assurance during manufacturing. iPhoton Solutions has been offering laser-ultrasonic systems to inspect composite materials for the aerospace industry since 2008. iPhoton has developed laser technology that requires no contact with the material being inspected, thereby greatly reducing preparation and handling time. iPhoton has developed three different systems, iPLUS™ I, II, and III to handle the inspection process for aeronautic composite parts large and small.
iPhoton Solutions has been a SolidBox partner for almost three years. In that time, we’ve provided them with mobile workstations and a SolidBox server to ensure their PDM is secure and reliably accessible. Being a relatively small company, iPhoton doesn’t employ a large IT staff, and therefor can’t afford any server glitches. Reliability equates to time saved, and by not wasting time configuring and fixing problems, iPhoton Solutions is able to spend more time developing the technology that keeps them at the forefront of the industry.
We here at SolidBox understand that just because a company may be small, its contributions may be grand in scale. Our goal is to empower ingenuity by offering reliability, support, and an equal thirst for innovation. We applaud iPhoton Solutions for standing out as vanguards of the laser-ultrasonics industry, and feel proud that SolidBox is able to contribute to their success. You can find a link to iPhoton Solutions’ website by clicking the link below.