Tag: Computers for SolidWorks
What’s YOUR Digital Profile?
Sometimes it's hard to keep track of all the hardware and gadgets we use on a day-to-day basis to get work done, communicate, and even entertain ourselves. If you could visualize it though, what would it look like? Perhaps it would be a "digital profile" that looks something like this? [singlepic id=35 w=640 h=640 float=center] Perhaps yours is even more complex? Less complex? Either way, coming up with and laying out your "digital profile" can help you not only visualize the tools you use
Claim your SolidBox MTB T-Shirt!
Love mountain biking? CHECK Purchased any one of our SolidBox systems recently or in the past? CHECK Have an abject fear of polyester-wool blend clothing? CHECK Then call up one of the crew at SolidBox to get the SUPER-SECRET code to claim your free t-shirt. Just our way of saying THANKS.
Become a Simulation Consultant, Retire Early a MILLIONaire!
Got your attention, didn't I? Well, you really CAN retire early a millionaire, but only if you hone your paltry analysis skills by attending the 2nd Annual Simulation BBQ Event. Our very own Simulation Samurai, Chris Castle, will be oohing and ahhing the crowd by sharing the secrets of why some companies are designing better products with SolidWorks Simulation. Other topics at the event include: Simulation A-B-Cs Designing Greener Products with Sustainability The Ultimate Analysis
Please take a few moments to fill out this quick survey on customer hardware expectations: Customer Expectations Survey (Survey No Longer Active) Let's just get this out now: BP oil spill and iPhone 4 Launch. Ready... FIGHT! Discuss/argue amongst yourselves. Regardless of how you feel about either of these events, one thing is clear: No matter what walk of life you come from, we all have expectations. Expectations about how things should be. How people should act, how people should talk, ho